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2024-04-04 23:37:45

Maybe we should stop relying on developers to do the right thing and have the government tackle it directly.

What's particularly muddy right now is
how a rising number of cattle infections are impacting farm workers,
beyond the Texas case that occurred back in March.
Veterinarians and physicians in states with dairy cattle outbreaks told The Associated Press there are multiple reports of farm workers falling sick,
but confirming cases is proving challenging for one key reason:
Many workers are reluctant to get tested.
"You have groups of individuals that…
2024-04-02 22:16:29

I have decided, as a #selfhost with just two other people on my instance, that I'm going to limit following the example of @… quoted below. I didn't know that you can “unlimit” specific accounts! This is an interesting option.
For other a…

A screenshot from the mastodon admin page for the domain after it has been “limited” and so appears in the list in the Federated section as a limited account. There are a number of graphs, all clickable, that show stored accounts, stored posts, stored media, their followers here, our followers there, and reports about them.
A screenshot showing the full admin page with menu on the side ad Accounts selected under Moderation. This is where you go when you click on the stored accounts graph under the domain federation page.  There are a number of accounts listed with their posts, followers, and last active.
A screenshot of account page in the mastodon admin shows his name and profile pic, his posts, and other stats. It is listed as “Limited”
Same screenshot as previous but now there is a green “Successfully undid limit of” message and the Login status is now “No limits imposed”
2024-04-03 17:52:19

Via Mueller, She Wrote on
Jack Smith Takes Cannon to Law School
2024-03-03 18:09:31

I've had a little process running for the past year or so, totting up Mastodon "active monthly users". Occasional bumps up (one outstanding one last summer when Elon did something particularly idiotic) followed by long slow declines.
Was somewhat disappointed to see recent growth of about 250k turning out to be a phantom instance (telling lies via the API).

Line graph showing numbers at around 1.3m last year Feb/March, falling to a little over 1m in midsummer, followed by a jump to 1.7m. Since falling back to around 1m.
2024-04-03 05:23:27

Jack Smith is en fuego:
2024-03-06 07:06:35

Probabilistic assessment of the reactor vessel lifetime
V. V. Ryazanov…
2024-04-30 06:04:32

Selenskyj: Brauchen "Patriots" und Granaten
Trotz einer Belebung westlicher Rüstungshilfen nach monatelanger Pause benötigt die von Russland angegriffene Ukraine eigenen Angaben zufolge weiter Waffen und Munition. Die täglichen russischen Raketenangriffe, die täglichen Angriffe an der Front könnten gestoppt werden, sagte Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj in seiner abendlichen Videobotschaft. "Aber dazu …
2024-03-27 20:32:09

I didn't realize so many Quick Build projects were failing this badly to reduce injury crashes. On some of these streets I *feel* safer since the changes, but the numbers don't lie. These are failures and SF must reevaluate its whole approach. Concrete > flex posts

Two charts of injuries per year on 17 corridors in the Tenderloin, and on South Van Ness Avenue, before and after Quick Build projects in fall 2021 and January 2022. Despite the projects, injury crashes increased in the Tenderloin in 2022 and 2023, and fell only slightly on South Van Ness.
2024-03-27 20:32:09

I didn't realize so many Quick Build projects were failing this badly to reduce injury crashes. On some of these streets I *feel* safer since the changes, but the numbers don't lie. These are failures and SF must reevaluate its whole approach. Concrete > flex posts

Two charts of injuries per year on 17 corridors in the Tenderloin, and on South Van Ness Avenue, before and after Quick Build projects in fall 2021 and January 2022. Despite the projects, injury crashes increased in the Tenderloin in 2022 and 2023, and fell only slightly on South Van Ness.